Top Laparoscopic Surgery in india

What is Laparoscopic Surgery Laparoscopic surgery means minimally invasive surgery or surgery done by minimal incision. It is possible with the help of an instrument called laparoscope which has a tiny video camera and light on the end. To provide a working & viewing space the abdominal cavity is first inflated with carbon dioxide gas. Then telescope is introduced in the abdominal cavity with incision of 5mm. Through it surgeon or doctor can look at a video monitor inside of the abdominal cavity. Other working ports are inserted with small incisions and surgery is performed. Top Laparoscopic Surgeons in india Laparoscopy is used in diagnosis when non-invasive methods can't diagnose a condition, and surgeries performed are via small incisions, which increases postoperative patient recovery, reduces blood loss and pain and significantly improve cosmoses. Diagnosis options are offered through laparoscopy for Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), Endometriosi...